“[We] were both willing to break the stigma - to perform our craft anywhere and everywhere, all the while exploring different genres.”

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Formed in early 2020, Blue Stockings was born out of a combination of genuine love for classical and art music, and frustration with the limitations of the genre.

Soprano Alison Paris and classical guitarist Chloe Hasson were both recent graduates looking for a way to share this technical and unique music with the world, without the confines of the concert hall they were so used to.

Blue Stockings delved into performance making in 2021, successfully curating an ever-growing list of shows with original concepts, unique programs, and sharing engaging stories.

2023 has seen Blue Stockings reach new heights. Our upcoming projects extend into a far more experimental territory, breaking down expectations of what is expected of classical music.

Alison Paris

Alison Paris is a versatile soprano holding a Bachelor of Music and Graduate Certificate from the University of Queensland, majoring in vocal performance. Opera credits include Dido in Dido and Aeneas, Nella in Gianni Schicchi, Barbarina in Le Nozze di Figaro, and Euridice and Amor in Orfeo ed Euridice. Alison has a passion for new music, and takes every opportunity to explore Australian compositions. Recent performances include the debut of The Nurses at Vung Tau, where she played the role of Patty, and first soprano in Spirit Orphan with Brisbane Music Festival.

Co-founder of Blue Stockings, Alison loves using the project as a way to explore deep-cuts, create unique takes on familiar songs, and compose original music that toes the lines of genre. With a diverse range in vocal stylings, she also has toured with renowned crossover troupe The Seven Sopranos, "Australia's most beautiful voices" since 2021, as well as managing and fronting alternative-rock outfit, Sali Eri.

Chloe Hasson

Chloe completed her Bachelor of Music in classical guitar at Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University (QCGU) in 2019, under the guidance of internationally renowned artist, Karin Schaupp. Boasting a thriving private teaching studio, she strives to guide her students with the concept that theoretical knowledge, and finding joy in the makings of sound, is the pathway to becoming a great musician. 

As an artist, she keeps things interesting; collaborating with multiple artists within the classical music and folk industries, she is always looking for a way to widen her knowledge and mark her footprint. She has worked alongside the likes of Ken Murray, Richard Charlton, and Chrystian Dozza, within renowned ensembles including Riverside Guitar Ensemble, Aurora Guitar Ensemble, and Queensland Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra.

Chloe’s most recent collaboration, as Blue Stockings, has been nothing but experimentation of musical aptitude and genre overlap. Defying the imagination of classical music enthusiasts, the duo have marked their territory in places unknown to the genre; experimenting with new sounds, technology, and collaborations outside of their depths.

Chloe is inspired by her interactions with the natural world, including vocal elements, classical and experimental sounds, and folk-inspired storytelling in her works.